No-Code: benefits and drawbacks


What is no-code technology?​

No-code is a development approach that allows users to create software applications without writing any code. It uses visual interfaces and drag-and-drop tools to enable non-developers to build and customize apps. The concept of no-code has been around since the early 2000s, but it gained significant popularity in the 2010s with the rise of platforms like Webflow, Bubble, and Zapier, which made no-code development more accessible to a broader audience.

Benefits of No-Code


Faster development time

One of the most significant advantages of no-code platforms is the speed with which applications can be developed. Traditional coding often involves weeks or even months of work, especially for complex projects. No-code platforms, however, allow users to create applications in a fraction of that time. According to a study by Forrester, businesses that adopt no-code tools report substantial reductions in development time and costs. The research indicates that companies leveraging no-code platforms can accelerate their development processes by up to 70%.

This reduction in development time translates to quicker iterations and faster go-to-market strategies, which is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment. For example, startups and small businesses can rapidly prototype and test their ideas, adjusting them based on user feedback without lengthy delays.

Cost efficiency tool

Developing custom software can be expensive, particularly when hiring skilled developers. No-code platforms significantly reduce these costs by eliminating the need for a large development team. Businesses can allocate their resources more effectively, investing in other critical areas such as marketing, customer support, or product improvements.

For instance, a report by TechRepublic highlights that companies using no-code platforms can save between 50% and 80% on development costs. This makes no-code an attractive option for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that need to manage tight budgets while still delivering high-quality digital products.

Flexibility and adaptability

These platforms allow businesses to quickly adjust to changing market demands without relying heavily on traditional development cycles. With no-code tools, users can easily modify applications or workflows in response to evolving requirements, enabling rapid iteration and experimentation. 

A real-world example is how the COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to quickly pivot to online operations. Many companies utilized no-code tools to develop and deploy new online services in record time, allowing them to continue serving customers despite the sudden shift in the market.

Lower maintenance requirements

Applications built on no-code platforms generally require less maintenance than custom-coded software. This is because the platforms handle much of the underlying infrastructure, such as server management, security updates, and scalability. As a result, businesses can focus more on improving the user experience and adding new features rather than dealing with technical upkeep.

Drawbacks of No-Code

Limited customization and scalability

While no-code platforms offer a wide range of features, they can be limited in terms of customization and scalability. As businesses grow and their needs become more complex, they might find that no-code solutions are too restrictive. Custom-built applications, on the other hand, can be tailored to meet specific requirements and scale as needed.

For example, an e-commerce business using a no-code platform might initially find it sufficient. However, as the business expands and requires more advanced functionalities, such as complex inventory management or personalized user experiences, the no-code platform may fall short.

Potential for technical debt

No-code platforms can create a form of “technical debt” when the limitations of the platform prevent the application from evolving with the business. Over time, this can lead to the need for costly and time-consuming migrations to more robust, custom-coded solutions.

According to a report by Gartner, nearly 70% of enterprises that rely heavily on no-code tools eventually face significant challenges in scaling their applications, often leading to a complete rebuild in a traditional coding environment.

Security and compliance risks

Security is a major concern for any software application, and no-code platforms are no exception. While many no-code providers offer built-in security features, they might not meet the stringent requirements needed for highly regulated industries, such as finance or healthcare. 

For example, handling sensitive customer data requires strict adherence to regulations like GDPR or HIPAA. Custom-coded solutions can be specifically designed to comply with these regulations, whereas no-code platforms may not offer the same level of control or flexibility in implementing security measures.

Vendor lock-in

Using a no-code platform often means becoming dependent on the vendor’s infrastructure and tools. If the vendor changes their pricing, features, or even goes out of business, it can leave businesses in a difficult position. Migrating away from a no-code platform can be complex and costly, especially if the application is deeply integrated into the business processes.

This issue of vendor lock-in was highlighted when a popular no-code platform, Kony, was acquired by Temenos. Businesses that relied on Kony for their applications had to either adapt to the new platform’s changes or migrate to a different solution entirely.


In that case, is it worth it?

No-code platforms offer an array of benefits, particularly for small businesses and non-technical users looking to quickly develop and deploy applications. They provide speed, cost efficiency, and empower users across an organization. However, these benefits come with trade-offs, including limitations in customization, potential security risks, and the challenge of scaling.

For businesses considering no-code solutions, it’s essential to weigh these benefits and drawbacks carefully. No-code can be an excellent tool for certain projects, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. As with any technology decision, understanding the specific needs of your business and the capabilities of the platform is crucial to making the right choice.

Check podcast with our CEO Jacek Zawadzki

As part of the podcast ‘Porozmawiajmy o IT‘ our CEO had the opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of no-code technology. Listen to the full conversation below 🎧 👇


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